Grid Connected Wind Farms in Developing countries

Extol Wind undertakes grid connected commercial scale wind energy projectsa. These project guarantee high rate of returns for the investors. Green energy output from wind farms is sold to utilities, through long term power purchase contracts. Small as well as large size investor secure returns from sale of green energy. Our team of service providers  seamlessly manage every step from machines maintenance to collections of payments. 

Extol Wind identifies windy sites for investors. Our capabilities include wind measurements and survey, wind data analysis (WRA), and micro-siting. Land acquisition team acquires potential windy sites that have easy access and evacuation. A separate team seeks statutory clearance. Reputed contractors are hired to deliver electrical installation including pooling substations, transmission lines, and transformers.

SCADA system with a user friendly interface keeps updated information of the current and past production for each turbine. Customer & Investors use SCADA to track daily and monthly production, billings and realization of accounts.

